Worship Service for June 14, 2020

Worship Service (at home)

June 14, 2020 (during the season of COVID-19 Virus Quarantine)

Faxon-Kenmar United Methodist Church, Williamsport, PA

June 14, 2020 Order of Worship

Our June Worship theme is Marching Orders of a Disciple — Following the Call of Jesus
Questions can be asked: How do we do church in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic? Does our ministry look differently as we hear thousands across our country and world seek peace and justice in face of racist actions and practices? How can the Holy Spirit fill us with courage and conviction as we follow the call of Jesus? Does my voice make a difference in our big world? Our time of worship during June will offer us challenges and questions to help guide us in our path as we follow Jesus.

(Prepare for worship. We welcome you as you join our congregation in a time of praising God today, of hearing God’s Word, and reflecting on God’s call on our lives. Bring your bible to be able to follow along as scripture is read. Please contact our church office at 570-323-7272, to take an active part in our ministry or if you have a special need.)

PRELUDE “Fairest Lord Jesus” – Smith

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L: The Lord bore you on eagles’ wings to enter into a covenant with you. Now therefore, if you will obey the Lord and keep the covenant, you shall be the Lord’s own possession among all peoples.
P: We will obey the Lord’s voice and keep the covenant.
L: The Lord bore you on eagles’ wings to establish a colony of heaven on earth. Now therefore, if you will obey the Lord and keep the covenant, you shall be the Lord’s ambassadors to all peoples.
P: We will obey the Lord’s voice and keep the covenant.
A: All that the Lord has spoken we will do.

SPECIAL MUSIC “We Have Wandered Away from the Cross” – Schell (Performed by Scott Schell)

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O God of grace abounding and love unlimited, we thank you for your infinite mercy. It has been the source of our life and faith through all our days, and before that, through the days of our ancestors. When the whip of Pharaoh held Israel in bondage, you broke the yoke of the tyrant, and the prisoners escaped. When the exiles in Babylon trembled before their captors, you raised up a deliverer, and the refugees returned. And when their descendants believed their sin had doomed them to life without hope, you sent your Son, and the hopeless rejoiced. Not only did you redeem them from their sin, but you reconciled them in the midst of their sin. We thank you, dear Lord, that where sin abounds, grace much more abounds.

You call us to be a priestly people and a holy nation, but we, like lost sheep, go astray. We know that peace comes through openness to our neighbors, but we make little effort to crash the walls between us. We know that the soft answer turns away wrath, but we greet our enemies with hard words and even harder looks. We know that self-giving breeds self-givers, but we refuse others the grace with which you treat us. We criticize fellow believers for not patterning their lives after Jesus, yet we do not mirror his life. Forgive us, O God, for our betrayal of your call. Let us take our place at the foot of the mountain of revelation. Open our ears that we might hear your commandments and transform our hearts that we might keep your covenant. Let us now, as when we first believed, exclaim, “All that the Lord has spoken we will do, and we will be obedient.”

As we think of your other sheep who have gone astray, we think of ourselves as your instruments for bringing them home. If they tarry for a sympathizing tear, let us shed it without shame. If they wait for a soothing word, let us speak it without hesitation. If they desire a cup of water, let us offer it without delay. If they hunger for a decent meal, let us provide it without suspicion. Remembering that you are not impressed by gracious words unaccompanied by generous deeds, make us the instruments of your grace in speech and in action.

We are your people, O God; grant us the wisdom to affirm your claim upon us. We await your revealing word; grant us the sensitivity to hear your demands in clear and compelling language. We long to do your will on earth as in heaven, our Heavenly Father; grant us the courage to fail neither you nor your children.

SCRIPTURE Matthew 9:35-10:8 (Please use your Bible to read the passage.)

MESSAGE How to Proclaim God’s Word

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TITHES AND OFFERING (What is it you give? How do you decide? At this time commit to God your tithes/offering. Please send your envelope to the church office at 1301 Clayton Avenue, Williamsport PA 17701)

PRAYER Holy God, we give you thanks for life itself and the way you bless us in our life of faith. Bless now these gifts to you that they may make a difference in our world, touching lives-healing lives, and that each one may be transformed for you. Amen.

MEDITATION “Jesus Loves Even Me” – Bliss/Hayes

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The fields of peace and justice and love are not ripe unto harvest. They have been plowed and planted, but they have yet to be cultivated with care and diligence. Send us forth into those fields, O God, as laborers in your service. Let them be made ready for the harvest. Let us and our neighbors around the globe live in love and peace, with justice for all.

POSTLUDE “Recessional on To God Be the Glory” – Doane/Wagner

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Rev Susan Halverstadt, Pastor
David Koskey, Director of Music
Scott Schell, Special Music

Faxon-Kenmar UMC is using CCLI Streaming License 3356248 Exp. 3.31.21.