Author: wererat

God’s Great Big World

SUMMER MUSIC CAMP is fast approaching! SMC happens JUNE 22-26, 2015 weekdays (Monday through Friday) 8:30 AM to Noon. During that time, children and youth, divided by age groups, travel from one musical activity to another. Included in the lineup of activities are: singing, liturgical dancing, crafts, bells, chimes, melody bells, kazoos, recorders, games, boomwhackers, rhythm instruments,. Each group will take part in a Bible Study and be provided with a snack. All campers and staff will receive special T-shirts. On Thursday we will have our annual SMC picnic followed by the matinee performance. Friday evening we return to church for a final evening performance.
SMC 2015 will center around a new musical work called “Something’s Fishy” by Ruth Elaine Schram. We will investigate:
- MONDAY: God’s creation of creatures big and small.
- TUESDAY: God made the huge universe. We can be assured there is no place God cannot find his children.
- WEDNESDAY: Learn how we are like a farmer’s seeds and we need to grow as God wants us to.
- THURSDAY: Whatever the weather God is in control.
- FRIDAY: There is a purpose and a place for all God’s creatures. God designed humans to be His best creature, loving us best of all!!
Summer Music Camp is open to children and youth in Kindergarten through Grade 7.
Sign up your grandkids, tell the kids in your neighborhood, spread the word to kids who love music to come and enjoy this great week at Faxon! Registration and Emergency Forms are available in the narthex or the church office, 1301 Clayton Avenue, Williamsport, as well as on this site. The fee is still only $10.00! Deadline to register is Monday, June 1, 2015.

Faxon Festival Choir
Faxon-Kenmar United Methodist Church
1301 Clayton Avenue
Williamsport, PA 17701
Presents the
Faxon Festival Choir
A Performance of Sacred Choral Music
under the direction of
David Koskey
Director of Music Ministry, Faxon-Kenmar UMC
SUNDAY, May 17, 2015
2:00 PM
Free Admission