The Church Council is pleased to announce the appointment of our new pastor to Faxon-Kenmar UMC. Pastor Susan Halverstadt recently served the Warrenville UMC and the Heilman UMC Charge. She was born in Wellsboro, Pa and was raised in Pontiac, MI. Her extended family resides in Wellsboro. She has a step-daughter who lives in Nebraska and has two daughters and their families in Williamsport. Living with her is her golden retriever Bailey and Ella her cat. Pastor Susan attended St. Paul School of Theology in Kansas City, Mo. She was ordained in the Missouri West Conference in 1972. During her time in the Midwest she was the Coordinator of The Women’s Center for Theologizing in Kansas City, MO. She has served as a career counselor in Williamsport and Durango, CO. Additional education includes a two-year Spiritual Director training through Oasis Ministries. She has received her Doctorate of Chiropractic and was in private practice for 10 years and has an active PA license. The Council is looking forward to Pastor Susan’s ministry here at Faxon-Kenmar UMC and asks for prayers for her ministry among us.David Koskey is the Director of Music Ministry at Faxon-Kenmar UMC. David taught choral music in Montoursville Area School District (his alma mater) since graduating from Mansfield University in 1971 until his retirement in June of 2005. He went on to receive his Master’s Degree at Penn State University, with post graduate course work at Westminster Choir College. David has always been involved in church music from the early age of 5th grade, sharing his talents through the years at Warrensville UMC, Bethany Lutheran Church, High St. UMC, St Paul UMC and New Covenant UCC before coming to Faxon-Kenmar UMC. Since first becoming the church organist in 2003, he not only is the organist but also directs four musical ensembles: Inspirational Singers (an adult Singing Choir), Joyful Ringers (an adult Handbell Choir), Sonshine Chimers (an intergenerational Chime Choir), and The Master’s Musicians (an instrumental group).Cathy Daugherty, Custodian