We held a prayer walk January 27th in the Faxon-Kenmar neighborhood in collaboration with Pine Street UMC. We then had a prayer walk on February 24th in Pine Street’s neighborhood. Another one is scheduled for March 16th back at Faxon-Kenmar. Please watch for more information.
Category: Events
Things that happened, or will be happening, at Faxon-Kenmar.

75th Anniversary of Faxon-Kenmar UMC!
75TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION OF FAXON-KENMAR is February 25, 2024, at our Worship Service at 10:00 am followed by a reception. Please save this date.

Ash Wednesday
ASH WEDNESDAY is February 14th. Our service will be held at Pine Street UMC. We will have a meal starting at 6:00 pm followed by the service. More information will be provided.