Easter Egg Sale

It is hard to believe that it is Easter egg fundraising time again. It seems just like yesterday we finished making over 800 eggs!!

We will make our Easter eggs on March 24 and 25th. March 24th we will be mixing the eggs, and on Saturday, March 25th we will be forming the eggs, dipping them in chocolate, and wrapping them.

Over the last three years, we have made more eggs than the congregation has sold or bought, so this year we are cutting back on how many we make. It is very important that you order the number of eggs you want/need. Deadline for orders is March 20th. Please put your order form in Sheila Koskey’s mailbox, or you may leave it in the church office. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE MONEY IN THE MAILBOX.

Order forms and sign-up sheets to make the eggs are on the Welcome Center. Volunteers are needed on both March 24th and 25th. Lunch will be provided on March 25th.

Dinner and Devotions

Dinner and Devotions – 4th Wednesday of each month – Stiner Hall – 5:30 PM. The next Dinner and Devotions will be on March 22, 2017.

Mark your calendar and make a dish to share and come to Dinner and Devotions night. It is only for an hour, but it is so much more. Fun time with your church family, good food, and a short devotion and prayer time. Hope to see familiar and new faces.

Remember: if the school district is closed for bad weather, Dinner and Devotions will be cancelled.

Lunch on Friday, March 3rd

Our next sandwich sale fundraiser is scheduled for Friday, March 3rd. These DELICIOUS HAM & CHEESE or TURKEY & CHEESE sandwiches can be picked up at 10:00 to 11:30 AM in Stiner Hall or we can deliver them in time for your lunch at home or work. Order blanks are available on the Welcome Center in the Narthex. They are DUE Monday, February 27th.