Soup and Book Sale

We will be holding a soup and book sale on Saturday, April 1, 2023 from 9am to 2pm. Donations are needed for books. Please bring your books to the church and place them in the storage room past the bell room on the right in the basement. Soup will be sold at a cost of $10 per quart.

Help is needed for set up on Wednesday, March 29th and Thursday, March 30th and also on the
day of the sale, Saturday, April 1st. Sign-up sheets are on the Welcome Center. Please contact
Sheila Koskey if you have any questions.

Free Photo with Santa

FREE Photo with Santa

Cookies, Cocoa

FREE children’s Christmas Story
book giveaway – meet the author, Rev. Bob Wallace
(first-come, first-serve)

Saturday, December 3rd
2:00 – 4:00 PM
(immediately following Loyalsock Holiday Parade)
Faxon-Kenmar United Methodist Church
1301 Clayton Avenue

Trash and Treasure Sale

Friday, October 7, 8AM to 2PM
Saturday, October 8, 8AM to Noon

Donations will be accepted 8/29-9/30 only.
Sorting begins Wednesday, September 7 from 9AM to Noon and continues every Wednesday in September.
Help will be needed for sorting, setting up sale, and working the sale.

Watch for signups!