by Adam Hamilton
4 Tuesdays, beginning 12/1
At Church 3:00 – 4:30 pm
Via Zoom 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Books are $12.00
Ebooks are $9.99
Please contact church office to sign up: 570-323-7272 or
by Adam Hamilton
4 Tuesdays, beginning 12/1
At Church 3:00 – 4:30 pm
Via Zoom 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Books are $12.00
Ebooks are $9.99
Please contact church office to sign up: 570-323-7272 or
This year Faxon-Kenmar UMC is participating in Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child. Pick up empty boxes in the elevator lobby. If you require more boxes, or have any questions, please call Janet Deweerdt at 570-323-3774.
If you have a filled shoebox please bring it to the church by Sunday, November 15 and the mission team will deliver it to the collection center (Pine St. UMC). Ride our church elevator to the first floor and leave the box or boxes at our Welcome Center in the Narthex on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 9:30 and 11:30 am. Please include a check made out to Samaritan’s Purse for $9/per shoebox for shipping/handling expenses.
You may also fill a box online at Faxon-Kenmar UMC Shoebox Mission Project.
July 5, 2020 (during the season of COVID-19 Virus Quarantine)
Faxon-Kenmar United Methodist Church, Williamsport, PA
July 5, 2020 Order of Worship
((Prepare for worship. As a part of our July 4th weekend, we honor our United States and give thanks for our freedom. Today we celebrate Holy Communion. Please gather bread (or cracker) and juice for this time. Open your heart to the presence of God. Collect your bible so that you can follow along with the scripture passage.)
PRELUDE “America the Beautiful” – Mark Hayes
Lord of hope, when the dark clouds assail, you ask us to bear the light of your love and truth. When fears seem to immobilize us, you give us courage and strength to bear your witness. We thank you for your call to us. We praise you for your sustaining love for us. We honor you with our lives and our service to you; for it is in Christ’s Name, we offer this prayer. AMEN.
Patient God, each and every day you offer to us new hope and special blessings. From the rising of the sun to its descent, the light of your love pours on your creation. We love all these things, but we want to hold onto each of your blessings just for ourselves. Teach us to share openly and willingly with others. Forgive our selfishness and turn it to selflessness in service to you. Clear our minds and spirits from sadness to a sense of joy and adventure; for we offer this prayer in Jesus’ name. AMEN.
Hear the good news! God has again blessed our lives with hope and joy. Be at peace, dear ones, for God is with us. AMEN.
Meditation “Reflection on “America” – Douglas Wagner
SCRIPTURE Matthew 10:40-42
Generous God, you have abundantly blessed each one of us; cause these gifts to be a blessing as they are put to work in your world. AMEN.
God of peace and mercy, send us into your world with confident joy. Help us to reach out to others and care for them as you always care for us. AMEN.
POSTLUDE “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory” – Mary McDonald
Rev Susan Halverstadt, Pastor
David Koskey, Director of Music
Faxon-Kenmar UMC is using CCLI Streaming License 3356248 Exp. 3.31.21.