Are you at a point you want to set aside time for God this year before Christmas? Maybe you’ve explored different ways to grow closer to God during Advent-the time we prepare for Jesus’ birth. This year we are offering a 4 week Advent bible study. It is Faithful by Adam Hamilton. Pastor Susan is the teacher. It will be offered at two times. Tuesday evenings at 7 pm, Nov. 27, Dec. 4, Dec 11, Dec. 18 and Sunday mornings at 9 am Nov. 25, Dec. 2, Dec. 9, Dec, 16. Please sign up at the Welcome Center or call the church office, 570-323-7272. and indicate which class you will attend. The book is $14.00. Grow with God as you prepare for Christ.
Category: Holiday

Church to Participate in Loyalsock Twp. Christmas Parade (Canceled)
A float is being constructed under the leadership of Dave Phillips to represent the church in the Township Christmas parade on Saturday, December 1. It will be a wintry display of Santa kneeling and praying at the manger with baby Jesus. The spectators will be given bags of M&Ms with an M&M-related Christmas poem as well as information about our Advent and Christmas services, along with an invitation to attend. Help is needed with the creation of the float, and walking along the parade route distributing the treats. Please contact Dave to let him know you can help.
The parade forms at 12:30 pm at the Loyalsock Middle School. It moves out at 1:30 from the school, and then turns left onto Loyalsock Drive, right onto Richard Avenue, left onto Lincoln Drive, right onto Westminster Dr., right onto Sheridan Street, right onto Northway Rd., and ends at the Middle School. Please help if you can and bring your friends and neighbors to the parade as we share our witness to our local community.
Photo of church members readying candy for Loyalsock Twp. Christmas parade courtesy of Dave Phillips.

Holiday Craft Sale
Saturday, November 10, 2018 from 9am to 2pm.
Offering kids’ tents, holiday decorations, jewelry, quilted items & doilies, dolls, cards, homemade candy, and stocking stuffers. Many items only a dollar! Light lunch & bake sale.
Bring a friend!