We have re-opened as of July 26th!

Please note that this has been pushed back one week to July 26th, as Governor Wolf has changed PA re-opening guidelines.

Re-open Plan Highlights

  • We will return to in-person worship on July 26th (not July 19th, as originally planned).
  • We will have one service at 9:00 AM (with no congregational singing until further notice).
  • Hand sanitizer must be used upon entry to the building.
  • Anyone 2 years and older must wear a mask at all times while in the building.
  • 6-foot social distance must be maintained at all times between people who are not coming from the same household.
  • Elevator will be restricted to 1 person at a time (unless people from same household ride together).
    Please maintain 6-foot social distance while waiting in line.
  • Hugging and handshakes are not permitted at this time.
  • Seating will be in designated areas of Sanctuary–1 or 2 people at each end of open pews (2 people from same household may sit together at one end). In Narthex, you may sit in chairs that have been placed 6 feet apart.
  • Offerings will be placed in basket upon leaving Sanctuary.
  • Clorox wipes will be provided in restrooms to wipe down frequently touched surfaces after use.
  • At-home worship materials will be provided to those who are not yet able to return to in-person worship.

Our service will be live streamed

We plan to livestream the 9am services on Facebook (you do not need an account) starting July 19th. You can watch that live there or through our site here. It will also be available to watch again after the service has concluded.

(See CHURCH OPENING POLICY DURING CORONAVIRUS for the entire Plan based on recommendations from the Re-Open Team and approved by Church Council and the District Superintendent on June 24th.)

Worship Service for July 12, 2020

Worship Service (at home)

July 12, 2020 (during the season of COVID-19 Virus Quarantine)

Faxon-Kenmar United Methodist Church, Williamsport, PA

July 12, 2020 Order of Worship

(We welcome you to worship with us today.  Prepare your heart and mind with expectation that you may experience God this day.)

PRELUDE “A Mighty Fortress is our God” – Luther/McDonald

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L: Welcome to this house of the Lord!
P: Thank you. We are glad to be here this morning.
L: This is a time to offer our praise to God.
P: With joy we thank God for all the blessings that have been poured on us.
L: Come, let us worship God who showers us with mercy.
P: Give praise to God who offers us rest and peace. AMEN.

God of abundant love, we come to you this day in the midst of a season of great growth and coming harvest. All around us are signs of growth, in our earth, in our families, in our nation, in our world. We come this day, seeking your healing love and abounding mercy. Open our hearts to receive all that you offer that we may become mighty fruitful workers for you. AMEN.

SPECIAL MUSIC  “Those Who Wait on the Lord”

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Lord, forgive us when we doubt your mercy and your love. We are so caught up in getting everything that we want; and we want it all right now. We have trouble waiting and remembering that it is in the waiting that we might hear your voice. It is difficult for us to believe that we can be fruitful, good soil for your words and work-especially when we are so uncertain about the spread of racism and the spread of the virus. We find excuses not to be attentive to you, but to focus instead on our own desires. Slow us down, Lord. Remind us again of your mercy and your love; for we offer this in Jesus’ Name. AMEN.

God hears your cries and heals your wounded hearts. God is preparing you for good things to come. Place your trust in God who has always loved you and will always love you. AMEN.

MEDITATION   “He Who Began a Good Work in You” – Mohr

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Lord, our spirits are on a summertime schedule. Our summer is so different this year-less time with families and friends, times of travel.  We have had to change the way we do things because of the pandemic.  We still need time of rest in the midst of turmoil in our country. Help us remember that in all these things you are with us. Hear our cries of frustration when the plans that we have so carefully crafted do not work out. Be with us in all of our journeys, guiding our lives and our steps. Again, lavishly pour your love and mercy on us. Prepare us to serve you in all that we do-finding new ways to be your church. Lead us, O God. AMEN.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.  Amen.

SCRIPTURE    Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30

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MESSAGE      “Finding Rest with Jesus”

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(Please take this time to give from your heart to God, so that our offering may be used to spread the word of Jesus Christ.  Your envelopes may be sent to our church address or you may inquire how to set up electronic giving.)

PRAYER   Lord God, we give you thanks for your generosity of love and mercy.  Bless all that we give that we may glorify You in our giving and that countless people may be transformed by you and become followers of Jesus. Amen.

BENEDICTION  May the peace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, be with you.  Carry the peace with you into the world this week.

POSTLUDE   “Flourish on ‘Saltzburg’” – Wagner

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Rev Susan Halverstadt, Pastor
David Koskey, Director of Music
Scott Schell, Special Music

Faxon-Kenmar UMC is using CCLI Streaming License 3356248 Exp. 3.31.21.

Worship Service for July 5, 2020

Worship Service (at home)

July 5, 2020 (during the season of COVID-19 Virus Quarantine)

Faxon-Kenmar United Methodist Church, Williamsport, PA

July 5, 2020 Order of Worship

((Prepare for worship. As a part of our July 4th weekend, we honor our United States and give thanks for our freedom. Today we celebrate Holy Communion. Please gather bread (or cracker) and juice for this time. Open your heart to the presence of God. Collect your bible so that you can follow along with the scripture passage.)

PRELUDE “America the Beautiful” – Mark Hayes

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L: Something new is stirring in our church, O Lord.
P: A different voice comes to us.
L: Make us ready to receive this new Word
P: Open our hearts and renew our spirits.
L: Let us be the voice of welcome, the spirit of joy.
P: Let us be those who bring the life-giving waters to others. AMEN.

Lord of hope, when the dark clouds assail, you ask us to bear the light of your love and truth. When fears seem to immobilize us, you give us courage and strength to bear your witness. We thank you for your call to us. We praise you for your sustaining love for us. We honor you with our lives and our service to you; for it is in Christ’s Name, we offer this prayer. AMEN.

Patient God, each and every day you offer to us new hope and special blessings. From the rising of the sun to its descent, the light of your love pours on your creation. We love all these things, but we want to hold onto each of your blessings just for ourselves. Teach us to share openly and willingly with others. Forgive our selfishness and turn it to selflessness in service to you. Clear our minds and spirits from sadness to a sense of joy and adventure; for we offer this prayer in Jesus’ name. AMEN.

Hear the good news! God has again blessed our lives with hope and joy. Be at peace, dear ones, for God is with us. AMEN.

Meditation “Reflection on “America” – Douglas Wagner

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Gracious God of mercy, we thank you for your presence with us. As we gather in this community to share our faith, we open our hearts to the future of this church. We ask that you make us a blessing Prepare us to serve and celebrate the ministries you place before us. Giver of everlasting life, fill us again with your spirit, for it is in Christ’s name we pray. AMEN.

SCRIPTURE Matthew 10:40-42

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Generous God, you have abundantly blessed each one of us; cause these gifts to be a blessing as they are put to work in your world. AMEN.

God of peace and mercy, send us into your world with confident joy. Help us to reach out to others and care for them as you always care for us. AMEN.

POSTLUDE “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory” – Mary McDonald

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Rev Susan Halverstadt, Pastor
David Koskey, Director of Music

Faxon-Kenmar UMC is using CCLI Streaming License 3356248 Exp. 3.31.21.