Worship Service for May 3, 2020

Worship Service (at home)

May 3, 2020 (during the season of COVID-19 Virus Quarantine)

Faxon-Kenmar United Methodist Church, Williamsport, PA

May 3, 2020 Order of Worship
(Preparation for Worship.  Please gather at your worship center-around a table, at a location where your bible is located, or a candle.  Collect your bible, some food and drink elements for Communion-crackers, bread and water, juice, tea. Open your heart to God as you enter this time of worship through music)

Prelude – “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” – Beethoven/Beaney             

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Call to Worship
L: Welcome!
P: Thank you.
L: For some of you, it has been a good week and for others difficulties abound.
P: We need peace and healing for our souls.
L: Rest. Open your hearts and lives to the Good Shepherd.
P: Lord, pour your balm of healing rest over our lives. AMEN.

Opening Prayer
God of all the sheep, those who remain close to you and those who stray, those who are always faithful and those who are lost: be with us today! Help us take a look at our lives and our relationship to you. Bring us close, draw us in, for we ask this in Jesus’ Name. AMEN.

Prayer of Confession
Patient God, you know how easy it is for us to stray. We wander off so easily. Forgive us, we pray. Heal our brokenness and our fears. Remind us again that you lead us in gentle paths and by quiet waters – when the paths are stony and the waves tumultuous, help us to remember your protection and your care. Help us to extend that same love and care to others, for we ask this in Jesus’ Name. AMEN.

Words of Assurance 
Just when we think we can go no further, Jesus the Good Shepherd calls to us, bringing us safely into the fold of Grace and Mercy. Rejoice! You are loved completely and forgiven!

Morning Prayer
Merciful and loving God, you call us your beloved ones and you seek to protect us, but we love to take risks, emotionally, spiritually, physically. Call to us again. Help us to hear your voice. Give us hearts of love and compassion for all our dear ones who suffer illness and any adversity. Be with those who travel, having no home to which to return, no land they can call theirs, no sense of ever being community again. They truly hunger and thirst in every way and you have called us to meet those needs – not to turn them away because they might be different. You always accepted us, so let us accept others, realizing that your sheep of your pasture are awash with diversity of spirit and origin. Let us celebrate those wonderful gifts and learn from them for we ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Scripture John: 10:1-10
Message    “What Does Jesus Do? – Jesus Welcomes – Part 1” and  
Holy Communion 

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Tithes and Offerings. 
This is the time we give to God our gifts of money.  You may mail your envelope to our church office or drop your envelope off at our mailbox at the Clayton Ave entrance. Or, you may call Sue in the office to set up electronic giving.  We continue to carry the message of hope through our generous giving.

Prayer of Dedication
Thanks, Lord, for all the wonderful gifts with which you have blessed our lives. Take these gifts, these tokens and use them to build your realm, to heal the broken hearted, bind up those who are wounded, welcome the stranger, become the gate of hope for we ask this in Jesus’ Name. AMEN.

Sending Out
You have been given your rest, now go and proclaim with your lives the good news of Jesus Christ. In this time of uncertainty, be a Good Shepherd to someone today. AMEN.

Postlude – “Toccata” – Southbridge               

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Rev Susan Halverstadt, Pastor
David Koskey, Director of Music
Portions of the service come from Ministry Matters.  Nancy C. Townley

Faxon-Kenmar UMC is using CCLI Streaming License 3356248 Exp. 3.31.21.

Worship Service for April 26, 2020

Worship Service (at home)

April 26, 2020 (during the season of COVID-19 Virus Quarantine)

Faxon-Kenmar United Methodist Church, Williamsport, PA

April 26, 2020   Order of Worship

(Preparation for worship:  Gather at your “prayer space” or your new “home worship center”.  Bring your Bible, paper and pencil.)

Prelude    “Risen Indeed”  – Beaney

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Call to Worship
As you walk with us, as we journey together,
Lord, your word fills our hearts!
As you speak with us, as your love is revealed,
Lord, your fire burns in our hearts!
As we proclaim what we have seen and heard,
may all people be drawn to you, the risen Lord!

Meditation Music – “Sweet Hour of Prayer” – Hegarty

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Prayer  (Pray silently for few minutes first)
Lord God, we praise you.

Holy One, we thank you for all of the ways that you bless us and care for us.  We thank you for the many people sacrificing their health and their lives in their jobs to keep our world running.

Father, we ask that you care for the many people who are suffering from the virus, for their families and friends.  We ask that you guide us and continue to give courage to many around the world in isolation for the sake of the good. Be with those making decisions needed to lead us through this pandemic.  Give calmness to those frightened by hardship, physically, mentally and emotionally.  Dear God, help us remember each day to come to you for your Living Water.  In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Gospel Scripture   Luke 24:13-25

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Message        “Really Seeing Jesus”

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Tithes & Offerings
We are thankful to show the light of Jesus through our ministries.  Many people have felt the love of Jesus through our help of keeping their lights on, taking them to a doctor’s appointment, preparing food for them to eat.  May our gifts touch the hearts and lives of people and continue to let us use our building for ministry. May the God of living waters who worked through us yesterday, be present to work through us today and tomorrow.

Prayer    Lord God, we give our gifts to you this day because we love you.  Bless them so that our gifts of time, money, witness can all be used to spread your love and peace in our world.

Sending Out   Go in peace, in the name of Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace, Healer of our Brokenness, and Hope of the World.

Postlude          “Praise Him with the Sound of the Trumpet” – Lau

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Rev Susan Halverstadt, Pastor
David Koskey, Director of Music

Portions of the service were adapted from The Abingdon Worship Annual edited by Mary J. Scifres and B.J. Beu, Copyright © Abingdon Press.

Faxon-Kenmar UMC is using CCLI Streaming License 3356248 Exp. 3.31.21.

Worship Service for April 19, 2020

Worship Service (at home)

April 19, 2020 (during the season of COVID-19 Virus Quarantine)

Faxon-Kenmar United Methodist Church, Williamsport, PA

(Preparation for our worship today: Please bring your bible, light a candle and quiet your hearts as you listen to the Prelude)

Prelude       “I Sing the Mighty Power of God” – Page

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We come as we are:
doubting Thomases, fearful disciples, sorrowing exiles, rejoicing psalmists!
You come as you are:
Risen Christ, Christ of peace, Holy Spirit, Spirit of forgiveness,
God of life, God of new birth!
Show us the fullness of your joy!
Show us the path of life and living hope!

Praise Sentences
You show me the ways of life. Your presence fills me full of gladness.
My heart is glad, my soul rejoices, and my flesh will live in hope!

Opening Prayer
Stand among us once again, risen Christ, and bless us with your greeting:
“Peace be with you.” Stand among us once again, Exalted Brother, and breathe upon us your promised Spirit. Stand among us once again, You Who Have Escaped Death,
and give us new birth into your living hope. Amen.

Call to Prayer
If we are the disciples, locked in a room of fear,
Jesus appears to us.
If we are Thomas, full of doubt,
Jesus turns to us.
If we bear trials and suffering,
God comes to us in power.
If we rejoice, we do so in the presence of God.
So let us come, whoever we are, to the God of hope and life.

Silent Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer (use your silent prayer time to lift up the many who are stepping up to share themselves with others during this time, for those who are suffering, and for our Faxon-Kenmar UMC outreach in ministry; and sit quietly to listen to God)

Special Music            “Almost Crying” -Schell       Scott Schell

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Scripture reading                                                    John 20:19-31

Message              “I Want to Believe” 

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Invitation to the Offering 
May we give out of the love that we have for Jesus Christ, so that others may share
in our imperishable and unfading inheritance of hope and life.

Giving of Tithes and Offering

Offering Prayer 
God of great mercy, accept our offerings, given out of what is more precious than gold—our faith in you, giver of hope and life. And through these gifts, reveal the risen Christ in acts of mercy, love, and joy. Amen.

In great mercy, God has given us a new birth into a living hope,
for it is the risen Christ who stands in our midst and says,
“Peace be with you!”

We go forth to walk the path of new life and living hope.
And may the peace of the risen Christ be with us!

Postlude                  “Triumphantly Risen” – Anderson

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Rev Susan Halverstadt, Pastor
David Koskey, Director of Music
Scott Schell, Special Music

Portions of the worship service are adapted from From “The Abingdon Worship Annual 2008,” edited by Mary J. Scifres and B.J. Beu, Copyright © 2007 by Abingdon Press

Faxon-Kenmar UMC is using CCLI Streaming License 3356248 Exp. 3.31.21.