Please note that this has been pushed back one week to July 26th, as Governor Wolf has changed PA re-opening guidelines.
Re-open Plan Highlights
- We will return to in-person worship on July 26th (not July 19th, as originally planned).
- We will have one service at 9:00 AM (with no congregational singing until further notice).
- Hand sanitizer must be used upon entry to the building.
- Anyone 2 years and older must wear a mask at all times while in the building.
- 6-foot social distance must be maintained at all times between people who are not coming from the same household.
- Elevator will be restricted to 1 person at a time (unless people from same household ride together).
Please maintain 6-foot social distance while waiting in line. - Hugging and handshakes are not permitted at this time.
- Seating will be in designated areas of Sanctuary–1 or 2 people at each end of open pews (2 people from same household may sit together at one end). In Narthex, you may sit in chairs that have been placed 6 feet apart.
- Offerings will be placed in basket upon leaving Sanctuary.
- Clorox wipes will be provided in restrooms to wipe down frequently touched surfaces after use.
- At-home worship materials will be provided to those who are not yet able to return to in-person worship.
Our service will be live streamed
We plan to livestream the 9am services on Facebook (you do not need an account) starting July 19th. You can watch that live there or through our site here. It will also be available to watch again after the service has concluded.
(See CHURCH OPENING POLICY DURING CORONAVIRUS for the entire Plan based on recommendations from the Re-Open Team and approved by Church Council and the District Superintendent on June 24th.)