Dig into some Bible Study this Summer!

Share some study and fellowship with others in class. Adult Bible study “Inspired by God” by Betsy Haas—starting July 18th. Through input, reading the book, the Bible, discussion and video through Amplify Media, each session will delve into the rich literature of the Bible, including the Wisdom literature and learn about God and what wisdom God has for us.

When: Tuesdays, 5:30 pm to 7 pm; Where: Narthex. Snacks or sandwiches, bottled water provided. Sign up at the Welcome Center or call the office at 570-323-7272. Hope we see you July 18th!

Blair Street Sale

Weather permitting, the church will participate in the Blair Street Sale on Saturday, June 3, by selling hot dogs and bake sale items. Your help is needed to help at the sale and/or donate bake sale items. The church will be open on Friday, June 2 from 1 pm to 3 pm for you to drop off your items IF you cannot drop them off early Saturday morning. Please place the items in the kitchen. If you are coming to help, please be at the church by 8 am. The bake sale starts at 9 am. If you have any questions, please see Nancy Bowers or Wanda Eichenlaub.